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Join the HCH Community

The HCH Waitlist

Individuals: HCH will offer individual memberships in blocks of 100 during the initial launch phase. This is to ensure that every member has a high-quality experience.

Waitlist: Interested people can join the HCH Member waitlist here(link)

Community Values

Anyone may become a member of Human-Centered Health, but all Members must ascribe the following values:

  1. Healthcare is a human right

  2. Healthcare must be funded sustainably across generations

  3. Innovation is a critical part of achieving these ideals

Partner Organizations

HCH encourages both For-profit and Non-profit healthcare models to join us as long as they publicly ascribe to the HCH Values. We will allow organizations off the waitlist as quickly as possible but again will always ensure that every organization makes a positive contribution to the HCH community.

For-profit businesses must further agree to contribute to the community by offering a free service with a value equal to 10% of the value of their most expensive product offering.


Non-profit organizations must further agree to publish their activity, impact and cost for all in the HCH Community to view.


Waitlist: Interested organizations can join the HCH Partner waitlist here (link)

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